Session 10. A focus on carbon and water
Wednesday, June 29, 2022 |
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM |
Halls C & D, ground level, Adelaide Convention Centre |
Includes announcement of Poster and Fresh Science prize winners
Hayley Purbrick
Tahbilk Wine Club Manager
Tahbilk Winery
Chair introduction
10:45 AM - 10:50 AMAbstract
Hayley Purbrick is a proud fifth-generation family member of one of the oldest winemaking families and carbon neutral wineries in Australia. With a background in direct to consumer marketing and agriculture she is turning the historic Tahbilk vineyard into one of the most environmentally friendly in the country. Outside of the winery, Hayley lives in Deniliquin and is an active advocate for growing strong agricultural industries and thriving rural communities. In 2015 she founded social enterprise Big Sky Ideas to champion entrepreneurial spirit in rural Australia. In 2017 she was a Finalist of both the Regional Australia Institute Light Bulb Moments Competition and NSW/ACT Agrifutures Rural Woman of the Year. In 2019 she graduated from the Wine Australia Future Leaders Program. In 2020 Hayley finished her term on the Australian Grape & Wine Sustainability Advisory Committee and is currently a member of the Board of Wine Victoria.
Dr Fiona Davis
Farmers for Climate Action
Roadmap to carbon-zero for producers
10:50 AM - 11:00 AMBiography
Fiona grew up on a dairy farm in northern Victoria and began a career in agriculture and climate change in the early 2000s when she took up a cadetship at the Country News in Shepparton. She deepened her understanding of the issues at the Victoria-wide agriculture paper Stock and Land, and later at Melbourne-based strategy and public relations consultancy, Currie Communications, working with a variety of clients including University of Queensland’s Global Change Institute, Meat and Livestock Australia’s environment program, and the Victorian Government.
As Farmers for Climate Action’s Deputy Director between 2018 and 2021, Fiona was responsible for assisting the CEO to meet the objectives in Farmers for Climate Action’s strategic plan and operational plan. In particular, Fiona took the lead on the organisation’s internal and external communications, operations, and people and culture.
Today, as CEO of Farmers for Climate Action, Fiona is excited to lead the nearly 7000-strong farmer-led movement into its next exciting phase. As well as her work in agriculture and climate change, Fiona has a PhD in history from the University of Melbourne and completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Australian Catholic University in 2018.
Julien Gervreau
Sensiba San Filippo LLP
International Wineries for Climate Action
11:00 AM - 11:10 AMBiography
Julien Gervreau’s sustainability career has spanned over 15 years. In his most recent role as Vice President of Sustainability at Jackson Family Wines, he led the development of the company’s Rooted for Good: Roadmap to 2030 initiative, which engaged more than 100 internal and external stakeholders across the company’s value chain to plan and budget for a Net Zero future. Now as a director of sustainability at SSF, he works with clients on developing sustainability and climate action strategies with a focus on the tactical implementation of supporting a just transition to a zero-carbon economy. Julien is also a founding board member of International Wineries for Climate Action, whose mission is to take a science-based approach to measuring and reducing carbon emissions across the wine industry.
Julien is passionate about designing, developing, and managing sustainable business systems that enhance the triple bottom line of economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social equity. He employs integrated systems thinking, financial analysis and documented sustainability frameworks to guide business strategy that fosters healthy, more resilient entities, and drives operational savings.
Dan Jordan
Director, Water Security, Policy and Planning
South Australian Department of Environment and Water
Murray Darling Basin: water and the future
11:10 AM - 11:20 AMBiography
Bio to come
Dr Lynette Bettio
Senior Climatologist
Bureau of Meteorology
Climate adaptation - water and weather
11:20 AM - 11:30 AMAbstract
Australia's climate is changing, with long-term trends becoming more evident, along with increasing frequency and intensity of extreme events. Industries such as Agriculture, which are currently exposed to climatic variability and change, will become increasingly exposed going forward. The Wine Industry will need to continue to manage this changing climate risk and variability, both now and in the coming decades.
The Bureau and CSIRO have been funded through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund to engage with agricultural producers to develop the Climate Services for Agriculture (CSA) platform to help inform on and manage this increasing risk. The CSA helps build the resilience of Australian agriculture to climate change by providing accessible and relevant climate and water related information.
Climate Indices tailored specifically to selected agricultural commodities, including wine-grape production, are being introduced onto the platform. Historical trends in these climate and water variables can be explored, alongside future projections. To help manage the changing seasonal climate variability the CSA platform also presents seasonal forecast information that is directly applicable to agricultural decision making. While industry experts have informed selection of the climate indices to date, we welcome further feedback.
Government funded projects such as the Forewarned is Forearmed project, in strong consultation with industry groups and key stakeholders, are delivering more targeted forecast information for agriculture. This will become available through the CSA platform throughout the coming years, again in consultation with users.
The Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO will continue to work with the Agricultural Industry and service providers to manage the impacts of climate change and seasonal variability to improve farm resilience and increase farm profitability.
The Bureau and CSIRO have been funded through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund to engage with agricultural producers to develop the Climate Services for Agriculture (CSA) platform to help inform on and manage this increasing risk. The CSA helps build the resilience of Australian agriculture to climate change by providing accessible and relevant climate and water related information.
Climate Indices tailored specifically to selected agricultural commodities, including wine-grape production, are being introduced onto the platform. Historical trends in these climate and water variables can be explored, alongside future projections. To help manage the changing seasonal climate variability the CSA platform also presents seasonal forecast information that is directly applicable to agricultural decision making. While industry experts have informed selection of the climate indices to date, we welcome further feedback.
Government funded projects such as the Forewarned is Forearmed project, in strong consultation with industry groups and key stakeholders, are delivering more targeted forecast information for agriculture. This will become available through the CSA platform throughout the coming years, again in consultation with users.
The Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO will continue to work with the Agricultural Industry and service providers to manage the impacts of climate change and seasonal variability to improve farm resilience and increase farm profitability.
Lynette Bettio is a Senior Climatologist at the Bureau of Meteorology and leads the extended and long-range forecasting team. She has a PhD in Climate Science. The long-range forecasting team is responsible for delivering climate outlook information along with contextual climate data and analysis to develop strategic climate risk intelligence that meets customer needs. Lynette examines and communicates on changes to Australia’s climate including long-term trends in rainfall and temperature and the interaction with extreme events. Another focus is drought across Australia and how the Bureau of Meteorology can best communicate and inform around this.
Dr Peter Hayman
Principal Scientist Climate Applications
South Australian Research & Development Institute
Water: making the most of a scarce resource
11:30 AM - 11:40 AMAbstract
There are good reasons for concern and pessimism about the impacts of any increase in the scarcity of water for Australian viticulture. There are also reasons for hope and optimism.
Three reasons for concern.
First, water underpins Australian viticulture. Almost all winegrapes in Australia are irrigated. Furthermore, water is essential to minimise the impact of rising temperature and heatwaves. Second, climate change will threaten most sources of water including rainfall stored in the rootzone, local dams and reservoirs, groundwater and water imported from outside the region via a river or pipeline. A 10% reduction in rainfall may result in 20% to 30% reduction in runoff. Although recycled water is relatively independent of climate, this source of water is not widely available. And third, diverse demands for water will interact with a changing climate. Viticulture competes for irrigation water with other agricultural industries along with competition from environmental flows and urban demand.
Three reasons for optimism.
First, vines can survive considerable water stress and the water use per hectare is less than most other irrigated crops. Growers can reduce water use with a modest reduction in yield but a potential increase in quality. Second, Australia has innovated with a sophisticated market to trade water. Many wine grape growers have learned how to use this water trading for their enterprise. And third there have been decades of RD&E on the physiology of vine water use and innovative approaches to irrigation management. Importantly this science has been adapted to practice. Furthermore, there is emerging research and practice on managing water. Sources for this improvement come from the Internet of Things and Agtech, better forecasts of weather and climate, better understanding of soil and vine response, low-cost desalination of ground water, fine tuning of water trading and the endless curiosity of growers experimenting within their vineyards.
Three reasons for concern.
First, water underpins Australian viticulture. Almost all winegrapes in Australia are irrigated. Furthermore, water is essential to minimise the impact of rising temperature and heatwaves. Second, climate change will threaten most sources of water including rainfall stored in the rootzone, local dams and reservoirs, groundwater and water imported from outside the region via a river or pipeline. A 10% reduction in rainfall may result in 20% to 30% reduction in runoff. Although recycled water is relatively independent of climate, this source of water is not widely available. And third, diverse demands for water will interact with a changing climate. Viticulture competes for irrigation water with other agricultural industries along with competition from environmental flows and urban demand.
Three reasons for optimism.
First, vines can survive considerable water stress and the water use per hectare is less than most other irrigated crops. Growers can reduce water use with a modest reduction in yield but a potential increase in quality. Second, Australia has innovated with a sophisticated market to trade water. Many wine grape growers have learned how to use this water trading for their enterprise. And third there have been decades of RD&E on the physiology of vine water use and innovative approaches to irrigation management. Importantly this science has been adapted to practice. Furthermore, there is emerging research and practice on managing water. Sources for this improvement come from the Internet of Things and Agtech, better forecasts of weather and climate, better understanding of soil and vine response, low-cost desalination of ground water, fine tuning of water trading and the endless curiosity of growers experimenting within their vineyards.
Dr Peter Hayman is the Principal Scientist in Climate Applications at SARDI. As program leader of the climate applications science program area he works with industry stakeholders in dryland and irrigated industries to identify key climate risks and then form appropriate research and development partnerships to address the issue. He provides a two-way flow of information between climate scientists from the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO, and agriculture in South Australia. Peter has regular interaction with the national Managing Climate Variability Program and the Climate Change Research Strategy for Primary Industries. He has served on World Meteorological Organisation expert teams in agro-climatology and was part of a team organised by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility to review the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change chapters on Australasia and adaptation.